Thursday, May 7, 2015

29 Final Exam and Final Novel Homework // Due the week of May 15, 2015

Hi Everyone!

You have 3 parts to your homework this week:

  1. Comment on the next two pages of your partner's paper
  2. Write the next two-three pages of your novel and post them on Google Drive
  3. Study for the final exam! We have gone over the study guide in class this week, but here in another copy below. If you need clarification on any of them, just email me and I can help you!

Final Study Guide

Understand and provide examples for the following:
Strong verbs

Strong nouns

Strong adjectives

Strong adverbs

Because clause

Write out the basics/definitions for:

The outline of a paragraph

The IEW way to skim an article

The Persuasive Essay Outline

Thesis Statement Formula

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

The major difference between a persuasive essay and research paper

Criteria for good research sources

What it means to "cite your sources"

Provide a website to help create your works cited page

Draw and label the plot diagram

Define the following terms:



Objective point of view

Limited point of view

Omniscient point of view

First, second, third person point of view

Round vs flat characters

Dynamic vs static characters 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

28 Novel Part 2 // Due the week of May 5, 2015

Hi Everyone!

At least 2 more pages and 4 more comments this week!

Try to keep developing your characters as round and dynamic as we discussed in class!

Remember, comments should be specific, helpful, and kind :)

Email me if you have questions!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

27 Novella // Due the week of April 28, 2015

Hi Everyone!

You have two parts to your homework this week:

  1. Read through the first 2 pages of your partner's novella and leave at least 4 comments. Remember, comments should be:
    1. Specific
    2. Kind
    3. Either positive or constructive:
      1. Your dialogue here is really believable!
      2. What if you add more description of your character here?
  2. Write 2+ more pages of your novella! Remember, you can write as much over 2 pages as you like—I've had students write 80 pages so feel free to go above and beyond!
As we discussed this week, keep in mind your:
  1. Theme: Message, moral
  2. Mood: Emotion that each passage gives the reader; can be created especially well through the setting
Email me if you have questions!

Friday, April 17, 2015

26 Planning the Novella // Due the week of April 23, 2015

Hi Everyone!

We are now beginning our end-of-year project—the novella!

For this week's homework, you will plan out the plot of your novel and break it down, scene by scene, and then get started!

  1. Part 1:
    1. Draw a plot diagram on a piece of white paper
      1. Plot Diagram
      2. Fill in the diagram with brief explanations of what will happen in your story, including:

        1. Exposition: Main characters and setting
        2. Inciting Event: What gets the story going by changing everything?
        3. Rising Action: About 4-6 events that build on each other leading toward the climax.
        4. Climax: The big exciting moment that brings everything together. For example, the big battle in The Lord of the Rings. You can choose to end the novel here, with a bang, or finish off with closure at the Resolution.
        5. Resolution: The wrapping up of everything—can be good or bad—it's ok!
    1. Part 2:
      1. Break your plot diagram into a list of scenes that go more in depth—about 15-20 scenes.
      2. Each scene can have about a sentence or a little more explaining what happens in that scene.
      3. Post this on Google Drive.
    2. Part 3:
      1. Start by writing the first 1-3+ pages of your novella!
      2. Because you have your scenes list laid out, you can start by writing wherever you want—even the climax! (However, sometimes it's just easiest to start with the beginning :D)
      3. Remember, if you find a scene boring, change it up—have fun with it! No need to bore yourself :)

    Wednesday, April 1, 2015

    25 Ending with a bang // Due the week of April 13, 2015

    Hi Everyone!

    Getting this up early this week! The homework for next week is:

    • Write a 1.5-3 page story that builds up and that ends with a twist or a surprise at the end! 
      • Short stories often don't follow the usual plot diagrams that novels often follow, but good ones do usually have a build-up of suspense and then a big bang in the end. Try to create this surprise at the end of your story!
    • For inspiration, try the following ideas:
      • —Find a random line from a random fiction book and use it as the first sentence of your story
      • —Look up sci-fi pictures online for inspiration
      • —Look through your own favorite books and movies for topics you enjoy

    Tuesday, March 31, 2015

    24 Dialogue // Due the week of March 31, 2015

    Hi Everyone!

    In class we talked about the importance of using dialogue to show what characters are thinking and to bring life to a story!

    Therefore, I'd like you to challenge yourself to write a 3-4 page story in which you use mostly dialogue!

    Dialogue is the talking amongst multiple characters and needs to be surrounded by quotation marks ("").

    Email me if you have questions!

    Thursday, March 19, 2015

    23 Objective Point of View // Due the week of March 19, 2015

    Hi Everyone!

    The homework for this week is to write a 1-3 page story in 3rd person objective point of view.

    3rd person objective point of view means:

    • The narrator is talking about the main characters using "he, she, they, their, etc"
    • The narrator does not have insight into the inner thoughts of any of the characters and therefore the characters' inner feelings must be described via their body language and facial expression and noises
      • Instead of: "Ben felt angry," you must write: "Ben stomped his foot and his jaw was clasped tightly shut while he breathed loudly." 
      • Instead of: "Lucy loved to read," you must write: "As Lucy read her book, her mouth was curled in a smile and she tapped her foot merrily."
      • Really focus on pretending you are observing the character and simply describing them as you see them.
    Email me if you have questions!